Using the Apply MTF Manager in 12d Model

I caught up with 12d Model and 12d Synergy Training Manager Tim Brooks, of 12d Queensland, on 13th December to chat about the Apply MTF Manager in 12d Model.

There are often tools in 12d Model that go unutilised, the Apply MTF Manager is one of those. This feature can speed up your initial design setup time and get you into the detail stage faster. For all those still creating their MTFs and then Functions separately, this webinar video will help!

The Apply MTF Manager has been available since 12d Model 10, but Tim has found that this tool is not being used as often as he feels it should be, and he’s here to spread the word.

Benefits of the Apply MTF Manager include:

  • Uses the Apply MTF Defaults
  • Can apply to multiple Super Alignments
  • Can turn on Functions strings automatically in a chosen view
  • Optional use of a MTF seed file
  • Cleans out empty models

Tim guides you through the Apply MTF Manager in this succinct presentation…in less than half an hour, you’ll gain a firmer understanding of how this great functionality works, so you can work faster and better!

–Lisa Stewart

Posted on December 4, 2018 at 8:53 am

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