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12d Model training...wherever you are!

Most face-to-face 12d Model training (including in-house) remains on hold until further notice. We’re able to conduct some face-to-face training in Perth, so keep an eye on our website for the latest dates.

For those in other regions, we’re conducting online training - keep an eye on the training website for the latest dates.

You can also check out the online training options being offered by our NSW/ACT/SA reseller, Extra Dimension Solutions!

If you haven't already done so, please subscribe to our 12d Model YouTube Channel for lots of great video content - it's organised into playlists by topic, and all our previous webinars are on there in their own playlists, so you can catch up on any of those you might have missed.

ExDS has also made their Introductory and Basic Training Resources (Design & Survey) available online free of charge, so if you're just starting out with 12d Model, that would be a great place to start honing your skills! Their Online Help page has help for common design tasks, such as Alignment Design, Speed Tables, SA Computators, Visualisation Timelines.

ISCDT website launch

And speaking of training...we’re excited to announce the recent launch of the all-new ISCDT Training website, https://www.iscdt.com.au/ ISCDT LOGO

The Institute of Surveying and Civil Design Training Pty Ltd has been our primary authorised 12d Model Training Centre for several years now, but previously we’ve been running registrations through 12d.com. The new platform allows for online registration AND credit card payments!